When it comes to Dragon Ball, the series has all sorts of fights to fall for, but Vegeta remains a favorite to this day. The surly Saiyan continues to recruit fans by the day, and his followers aren’t afraid to show their love for the hero. And now, one cosplayer has taken their homage to Vegeta a step further by involving an actual Prince.
Or rather, the artist formerly known as Prince. Over on Instagram, the user realprinceofallsaiyans gave fans a look at his new look, and it was there Dragon Ball fans saw the glorious crossover for themselves.
The cosplay gives a stunning take on Vegeta that is done up in Prince’s iconic style. The Saiyan’s hair is curled to perfection while keeping the body Vegeta is used to. The look is paired with perfectly manicured facial hair, and Vegeta’s power scanner has been given a purple makeover.
As for the rest of the outfit, the Dragon Ball cosplay gives Vegeta’s Saiyan armor a purple-and-gold makeover. The gorgeous suit is paired with a purple pin that Prince fans will recognize as his signature symbol. And to pad the armor, Vegeta is rocking a long-sleeve shirt with a puffy collar. The shirt’s sleeves are adorned with purple-and-gold embroidery. So when attention to detail is considered, this cosplay knocks it out of the park.
Clearly, Prince and the Prince of the Saiyans make for an interesting combo. The suave makeover honors both heroes, so attendees at Blerdcon were blessed to have seen this mash-up. So if someone wants to give Piccolo a makeover next, we wouldn’t say no.
Want to see more cosplays from realprinceofallsaiyans? You can find them on Instagram here!
What do you think of this heavenly Dragon Ball cosplay? Which rock star would be best suited for a Goku cosplay…? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.