gen:LOCK has confirmed the release window for Season 2 of the series with a sneak-peek at the upcoming premiere! gen:LOCK was one of the many franchises bringing something to the virtual table for Comic-Con @ Home this year, and fans had been excited to see what was on the way as there had been very little revealed in terms of concrete information about the new episodes. That all changed with the panel that featured stars Michael B. Jordan, Dakota Fanning, and series showrunner Daniel Dominguez as they confirmed that gen:LOCK Season 2 will be releasing this Fall on HBO Max.
While there’s still no specific date beyond the Fall 2021 release window, fans did get a great look at what to expect from the panel with a special sneak-peak at the Season 2 premiere episode that teases the kind of intensity we’ll be seeing after the first season took the war between the Polity and the Union in a terrifying new direction that Chase and the others will need to navigate. You can check out the sneak-peek as part of the Comic-Con panel in the video above (specifically beginning at the 25:47 mark!)

gen:LOCK Season 2 will be streaming on HBO Max this Fall and includes a writing team featuring the likes of Daniel Dominguez, Maasai Singleton, Evan Narcisse, Kristle Peluso and Gavin Hignight, and more, and Rooster Teeth begins to describe the new season as such, “On a dying Earth in the midst of a now unstoppable climate collapse, two utterly distinct visions for the future of the human race have come to dominate: The Polity and the Union. The future of humanity, if it is to have one, rests in some form of mechanization or digitization. On opposing sides of this fundamental debate, the Polity and the Union remained locked in a brutal and unforgiving war…”
The synopsis continues with, “A war the Polity is losing, despite the heroic efforts of their greatest soldiers, the Gen:Lock team – Chase, Cammie, Yaz, Kazu and Val, who continue to upload their minds to their Holon units and fight for their vision of a better future on the front lines. As we meet the figurehead of the Union — Brother Tate — and the citizens for whom he spills Polity blood, the nature of the conflict between the two sides will be seen in a whole new light. A light that, for Chase, will test his loyalty to the Polity… as he digs deeper into the nature of the war and realizes nothing he thought is what it seems…”
What do you think of this newest look at gen:LOCK Season 2? What did you think of the first season? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!