Mike Richards-Life Before ‘Jeopardy!’
Mike Richards has taken over as the new host and the executive producer of the iconic game show ‘Jeopardy!’ after the tragic demise of legendary Alex Trebek. However, he is not in the news for his hosting stint; the new host is rather accused for mocking women. In 2013, Mike hosted a pod cast called The Randumb Show where he was recorded of mocking women.
At that time he hosted a show called ‘The Price Is Right’ and served as executive producer. His co-host and former assistant Beth Triffon talked about her life as a model at the CES when she was referred as ‘booth slut’ by Mike. In another episode, discussing Triffon’s photo with her friends Mike disses her friends for their lookgs by calling them “frumy and overweight.” He continued fat-shame them in the episode.
These comments made the former model to file a lawsuit against Mike Richards. He was also recorded to have spoken about being a host in ‘Jeopardy!’ ironically. Mike was also heard of making racist comments in gender as well as colour.
How These Allegations Affected Mike’s Career?
Comparing to the all time favourite host Alex Trebek, fans did not picture any others as host except for some of the guest host. According to Sony Pictures Television they did not find a match other than Mike Richards.

Although his selection made fans angry he was met with these accusations that he made a decade ago. Eventually, he got a seat as a permanent host. But after these accusations fans feel, guest host LeVar Burton would be a perfect match.
Mike was already an inside candidate, this created even more backlash against him.
Big Bang Theory’s star Mayim Bialik is set to host part-time for prime-time tournaments. But Mike Richards will continue as the ‘star host’. And now ‘Jeopardy!’ has two hosts to handle the show.
Among the fans favourite host LeVar Burton and Aaron Rodgers, the production house felt that Mike had a calibre to not be shy in front of camera.
Will The Fans Accept Mike As The Host?
Jeopardy!, being the most favourite show had to face some criticism for selecting Mike as host. In 2010 Brandi Cochran filed a lawsuit considering discrimination and harassment. This is surely a major drawback for fans to love the show.
Ravi Ahuja, Sony Chairman, said that the decision has been taken “incredibly seriously.” He also confirmed to divide the hosting responsibilities. And claimed both Mayim and Mike were top of their research and analysis.

Mike, however, dismissed all the accusations by saying that the complaints don’t reflect his reality as a person. He also stated that he is now responsible of his career and that he is changed.
In a statement to Fox, has now apologized for his problematic comments on a podcast, stating that he is “very sorry.”
Fans are just hoping to find the perfect alternate to the incomparable Alex Trebek.