A Long Journey: From 1986 To Now
Final Fantasy, created by Hironobu Sakaguchi, is a Japanese science fantasy video game franchise. Square Enix owns and develops the games of the franchise. The Final Fantasy franchise features fantasy role-playing games. Currently the franchise contains 15 main entries with the first game in the series released back in 1987.
in 2020, it was further announced that a new 16th instalment is in development. Since the time of the release the games have branched into different video game genres as well. Furthermore, due to its popularity among the audience. The franchise also branched into other media too. In addition. there are CGI films, anime, manga, and novels about the series too.
New details revealed for Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker
Recently, the 66th Letter From the Producer live session was held by Square Enix. In the live, new details were revealed about the upcoming expansion Endwalker. The information revealed was heavily focused on battle job changes. As a result, the battle job changes that will be released with the expansion. Along with the battle job changes there are two new jobs on the way, Sage and Reaper.
In order to demonstrate the changes to the audience, the developers released a video. Moreover, the video showed all the classes of the upcoming expansion. Healer Sage and DPS Reaper were also included in the classes showcased. After the video was shown developers thoroughly discussed the upcoming classes.

A deep dive into the upcoming classes of the expansion
The developers dived deeper to discuss the classes’ capabilities and mechanics by showing them in the live video. From the looks of it, the Reaper is the next DPS melee class. The playstyle of the class is very different even though it looks like a scythe wielded Dark Knight. Naoki Yoshida, the producer of the game, played directly to showcase the abilities of the class.
Yoshida said that the dynamic gameplay of the Reaper is inspired from the back-and-forth anime action sequences. Whereas, Sage turns out to be an offensive healing class. Instead of regeneration the Sage class will use shields. The Sage is going to be the first healing class. That will be dealing damage while also healing at the time. Fans will be blessed with the expansion on November 23, 2021.