They stand by their decision
Among the most respected international film festivals, the San Sebastian Film Festival is highly competitive. With, no guidelines or limitations relating to style or duration for San Sebastian Festival. The Festival honours every classic that has never been shown in Spain. However, there was some criticism of the annual festival earlier this week after Johnny Depp was announced as the featured actor.
Following being accused by his ex-wife Amber Heard of beating her, the actor is set to receive a major award next month. Even so, event director José Luis Rebordinos has addressed the controversy and stands by his decision.

Film Festival Director’s Statement
Defending its choice to honor Johnny Depp with the Donostia Award, the San Sebastian Film Festival still stands by its choice. In spite of this, Jose Luis Rebordinos, director of the San Sebastian Festival, said on Friday. As the number of false claims on social media has increased. We will always adhere to two fundamental principles that are both fundamental and cultural: the presumption of innocence and the right to reuniting.
As we said before: he has not been charged or convicted in any jurisdiction of any violence against women.”

Reaction of the critics
Moreover, a group of Spanish women filmmakers said they were “very surprised” by the film festival. According to Cristina Andreu, president of Spain’s Association of Female Filmmakers. She said “these remarks reflect poorly on the festival and its leadership and send a disastrous message to the public.
Underline “it’s okay to be a bad actor as long as you’re good”. Besides this, the British court denied Depp’s appeal of the slander case against The Sun, which accused him of domestic violence. In March, the court said Depp’s appeal had “no real prospect of success.”