Rick and Morty Season 5 will be returning this September with a special one-hour season finale! Reports had popped up that Adult Swim would be delaying the final two episodes of Rick and Morty‘s fifth season due to the fact that it was seemingly not scheduled at all for the remainder of August, and with the premiere of the series’ eighth episode, it’s now been confirmed that the fifth season will truly be going on hiatus. Thankfully, it won’t be that much of a hiatus as Rick and Morty will be returning to finish out the fifth season in September.
Adult Swim has announced Rick and Morty Season 5 will be capping off with a special one-hour finale on Sunday, September 5th on Adult Swim at 11:00PM EST. This means the series will not be airing new episodes for the next three weekends of August. But at least with this confirmation, fans know just how long they’ll have to wait before the series returns with the final two episodes of the fifth season. On top of that, there are still more confirmed seasons to come!

The fifth season has been fairly light on canonical ties to the rest of the Rick and Morty series, but that’s all changed with the eighth episode, “Rickturnal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort” as Rick finally chose to fix Birdperson after their fight in the fourth season finale. With this major plot bringing the season to an end, it’s going to be a major one to break down over the course of this coming hiatus before the final two episodes hit.
Now’s the perfect time to catch up with Rick and Morty as well. To do so, you can check out the previous four seasons of the series now streaming on HBO Max. As for the fifth season, the first episode is available completely for free on YouTube and the rest of the current episodes of the season are available on Adult Swim’s website with a cable subscription. Not only that, but there’s a new Rick and Morty anime short to enjoy as well.
But how do you feel about Rick and Morty Season 5 going on hiatus for the rest of August? Are you excited to see how Season 5 brings itself to an end with its hour long finale? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!